Saturday, August 10, 2013

Chick Life

For some reason I, or maybe we, find ourselves out by the coop or in the barn quite more often now than before the fair. There is a sort of peace about watching our feathered friends eat off the land, and to watch their pecking order. My grandfather has recently started stopping by to "check on the chickens", and he has also started bringing our out of town family by to see Cluckenbock as if it's a tourist attraction. It makes us quite proud to say the least! 

This is our coop, Cluckenbock, Texas! Population - 18

Our chickens are very social and they each have their own unique personalities. We have 1 Americauna, 1 Buff, 10 Silver Laced Polish Frizzles, 5 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 1 Golden Polish Frizzle. They each have names, except the Wyandottes are all called "Willies" because they do not have distinct marking for use to tell them apart. My kids and I are OBSESSED with Duck Dynasty.  So much so, we have chickens named after them. There is Miss Kay, Si, the Willies, Jase, and Phil. I think the Duck Dynasty crew would be quite flattered to have chickens named after them. ;)

Here is one of our Silver Laced Polish named, Highlight.

Here is Lucky.

Here is some of the crew feasting on bugs, grass, and fruit rinds that we frequently throw out for their pecking pleasure.

Hopefully soon I will have time to post about our new babies. We currently have 50 Cornish Rock chicks that we are raising for meat. Stay tuned....


  1. Sweet story, sweet chickens, sweet life!πŸ“πŸ”πŸ“

  2. Sweet story, sweet chickens, sweet life!πŸ“πŸ”πŸ“
